When we give cheerfully and accept gratefully, everyone is blessed.
— Maya Angelou

Our Programs

  • The Community Dish: Meals with Purpose

    Join us quarterly as we plan community meal events to serve our community and those in need.

    Our last community meal was March 26th. We were able to share 40 meals with our community and we hope to continue to increase that number every quarter.

    Interested in volunteering? Please connect with us today!

  • Compassion Packs

    Compassion Packs are like hygiene bags. Filled with all kinds of day-to-day items like toothpaste, body wash, deodorant and more!

    Join us on our next assembly day, or gather your co-workers or neighbors for a volunteer event to assemble bags together. Please reach out if your company would like more information.

join us.

Our mission involves helping others. When you join our team, your time and talents will go a long way. We are all just every day humans going above and beyond to help our neighbors. We’d love to welcome you!